Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's Not about the Technology

Mrs. Hines did a awesome job of making her point. I totally agree with everything she said. Teachers not only need to be up to date with new technology they need to know how to effectively use the technology. Teachers must be learners to keep their students up to date. A teacher must want to learn and share new materials with their students.
However I also feel for a teacher and students to get the most out of technology the schools must be funded appropriately with the best technology. A student and teacher must be able to have access to adiqute technology. Mrs. Hines has some good points, but I dot know if the school systems are going to be able to fund the technology right now.

1 comment:

  1. Times will get better and technology will get less expensive and students will have their own. Schools often buy the wrong technologies at veryhigh prices!
