Sunday, September 13, 2009

Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today

This video was exactly what my college carer has been like up to now. I feel that a university is more of a bussiness than a educational learning ground. Exspecially the first two years of undergrad work is mostly done in large lecture settings. I dont think you get much at all out of that. You are studying to pass four test to get out of the class instead of studying to learn the class material.
I feel that the video was done very well. I would not change anything about the video. The director/producer got his point across very well. The only thing I might have done was focus on what was happening in a real class while the lecture was taking place, to watch what the students were doing.


  1. It's a lot sad that they throw away a chance at education because it doesn't fit the way they want it to be. Sounds just a tad spoiled and pathetic. Many people have fought and died to give them a chance at having an education. Who said life was fair? Like they have anything to complain about.

  2. Are you talking about your classes here at South?
