Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity

I really enjoyed this talk. I agree with a lot of the things that Ken Robinson says. Ken Robinson points out the fact that in the current school system creativity is shunned. Children who are different or what they are good at isn’t studied in school are taught to only focus on the "important" subjects that will get them a job. Such as math, or science. The arts are not studied enough in school. Art and music classes are just as important as math and science classes. Schools should offer more liberal arts classes to children.
I think Ken Robinson proved his point about this when he talked about the director of cat’s childhood education. I also feel that today students are being labeled as ADD or ADHD to often. I know that in some cases a child may need medical help, but the statistics are too high. Just because a child can't concentrate, moves around a lot, and doesn’t pay attention does not mean that he or she is ADD or ADHD. Maybe the teacher isn’t keeping the child interested.


  1. In many cases the class is not interesting. I would be a terror in the classroom now!

  2. I'm also taking EDM 310 with professor Tashbin. We had to watch "The importance of creativity", I loved Sir Ken Robinson. He had such an excellent insight on creativity. Concerning kids now days that are being laved as having ADD or ASHD, I believe you are right on! There are so many students out there that have embraced the label of ADD or ADHD and not being complete candidates for it. I don’t blame the kids, but is defiantly scary to hear how high the statistics are on students that have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD.
